Tuesday 30 October 2012

Internet Buddies!


Have you guys ever met someone on something like 'Omgele' or any other random chat website? Cause I sure have...

Now I am spilt 50/50 on these websites, I can't decide whether to give them my full love and attention and become obsessed, or hate them and banish them to Hell.

Nether the less I have continued to use these websites, with an aim to understand them. Just be a little bit careful that you aren't talking to any weirdos that send you pictures of *Cough*their*Cough*rude*Cough*bits*Final Cough* or just being really *Nanna Word Activated* VULGAR...
Oh yeah, you know what I mean
But there is the occasional nice person on Omegle, just gotta look hard enough. 

Just avoid these types of people at all costs, they are just sad and confused, because they are unable to find themselves someone in the real world...

Now I may use them... but I don have a boyfriend. So I'm an Internet geek by night and by day I'm a Lurrrver! 


P.s.: If you want the address for Omegle cause you wanna see what I'm on about then It's below ----> 
Have fun and be safe!!

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